I decided I would do a fresh take on the traditional “Man Being Carried” costume. So I took the idea and ran with it, or carried it.
The basic idea of the costume was to take the “man being carried” style of costume and put a more comical twist on it rather than the usual scary versions you see, i.e. beheaded person, or person in the box being carried by a ghoul.
The structure of the Porta Potty is made of insulation foam that can be bought at a hardware store in sheets of 4 feet by 8 feet. Once I cut the side and top pieces, I glued them together and created the basic shape. Then I set about making the potty shelf in the inside.
In order to accommodate a harness of some sort, I glued in PVC piping under the potty shelf and then looped the harness seen in the photos around those pipes. The bottom of the back and the rear of the bottom deck were cut out so that I could stand in it.

How to make the fake legs for inside the potty really perplexed me. So what I did was glue a few layers of the foam together, and then carved them, like you would wood. I then painted them a flesh color. I then painted the whole thing and set about the detail work. I purchased some vents from the hardware store and glued them on. I made a toilet paper holder, and the signs. These were also glued on.

For the dummy on the back, I raided some thrift stores and found a long coat, a hard hat and vest. I decided that the dummy would be made from PVC pipe, wrapped in bubble wrap. I got a foam toupee head and painted that flesh colored, and painted on the eyes and eyebrows. A pair of rubber gloves, toilet brush, wig, goggles and mask rounded out the ensemble. The dummy is attached to the porta potty using glue on the coat and the PVC is connected through the inside with a PVC cap.

After some careful gluing of accessories, like the toilet role holder, also made of foam, and some sign crafting using clip art, the project was done. The signs read “Ameri-CAN Services” and “Doing our patriotic dooty since 1776”, with an eagle carrying a toilet. The phone number is (888)4-Relief, and the tag line says “#1 in the #2 Business”.
It was a lot of work, but when I got myself in it, grabbed the voters’ General Election Guide to read and stayed in character, I found that people really got a good laugh out of it. And what more can I ask for. I hoped to brighten a few days and give everyone a smile who saw it. I hope you find it funny.
Happy Halloween.
Lol I can’t believe there are no comments yet. This is pretty creative and WOW did this person put A LOT of thought and WORK into this contraption!
This is fabulous! Thanks for sharing the how-to.
Amazing & so creative! This is what my son wants to be for Halloween this year. Can you tell me what you used or where you got the harness that you used?