The gentlest creature with the sharpest hands, it’s impossible not to be touched by Edward Scissorhands. It’s amazing how the movie truly stands the test of time. People of all ages love dressing up in Edward Scissorhands costumes. Check out the many DIY Edward Scissorhands costume ideas below to see why.
In order to make sure you don’t actually hurt anyone with your homemade costume, make sure to read how these scissor hands were created. The tutorials here will put you on the right path for your own DIY costume.
In addition, these homemade costumes are not limited to just guys. You will see many clever ideas, like a dog dressed as Edward ScissorPaws. Also, there are many women in costumes here, such as Edwina Scissorhands.
So, break out the white face makeup and tease your hair for the coolest homemade costume around. Will you create one of these Edward Scissorhands costumes this Halloween?
Latest Edward Scissorhands Costume Ideas
- Transforming a Five-Year-Old into Edward Scissorhands: A DIY CostumeOur family is a year-round fan of Tim Burton’s movies, so when my five-year-old expressed his desire to be Edward … Read more
- Cool DIY Edward Scissorhands Costume – Two Months in the MakingI got the idea from the movie Edward Scissorhands and love to make Jonny Depp characters. I found a youtuber … Read more
- Unimaginable Edward Scissorshands Homemade CostumePeople are bored of me wearing this same costume every year, but I can’t help it, I just love it! … Read more
- Awesome Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume for a ChildI was pumped when my son decided to be Edward Scissorhands last year and went right to work on his … Read more
- Cool Homemade Female Edward Scissorhands CostumeEddie’s Little Sister Who knew I could make something so cool!! It took about a month but it became the … Read more
- Cool Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume for a 7 Year OldWe recently watched the movie Edward Scissorhands with my 7 year old son. He immediately said that’s who he wanted … Read more
- Cool Edward Scissorhands Costume for a BoyMy three year old son Bodi loves the movie Edward Scissorhands and wanted an Edward Scissorhands costume. It is his kid … Read more
- Cute Edward Sisscorhands CostumeWe transformed Rex into Edward Sisscorhands! The following items were used: Walmart: Plastic Silver Knives Black Duct Tape Black Gloves … Read more
- Edward ScissorPaws held by Kim BoggsEver since I started needing a service dog, I knew Halloween would be annoying with people asking me about my … Read more
- Cool Edward Scissorhands CostumeHe actually wore regular clothes he had in his closet, black sneakers, the suspenders I bought and the hand accessories … Read more
- Edward Scissorhands Halloween CostumeI made this Edward Scissorhands Halloween costume for my 9 year old son. Every year I try my hardest to do … Read more
- Awesome Edward Scissorhands Costume for a GirlIt took me two months to make my daughter’s Edward Scissorhands costume, but it was so worth it! She loved it … Read more
Featured Costumes
Costume by Jannie T., Del Norteco

We basically took a black tarp and sewed it over my daughter’s old clothes for this Edward Scissorhands costume. For the straps we used left over scraps of tarp and paper fasteners for a stud look. The scissor hands were cardboard with foil glued on them in the shape of blades and glued onto black gloves.
The only thing left was the wig and the makeup. This costume really blew the kids away at my daughter’s school.
Total Spent: $15
Costume by Dana F., Philadelphia, PA

When my friend and I threw a Hollywood Halloween party where everyone had to dress as a celebrity or movie character, I knew I had to dress as my favorite movie character ever, Edward Scissorhands.
Through a lot of the movie Edward wears a white shirt, grey pants and suspenders but before that his whole body is revealed and it’s made of some black material with chains straps and buckles all over. I figured the shirt and pants would be too easy so for my Edward Scissorhands costume I went with Ed’s natural body.
I dressed in black from head to toe and wore a pair of black boots with buckles that I’d already purchased in Venice, Italy for regular wear. I purchased dozens of black belts (with chains, studs or grommets) to wrap around my body a la Edward I used white makeup for my face and used black eyeliner and grey eye shadow to make scars and circles under my eyes and also to shade my cheekbones to make them look hollow. I used black lipstick for my lips and kept my mouth in an Edward-like pucker all night.
I have dark brown hair but I used black hairspray to make it even darker. I teased it within an inch of its life. The hardest part was the Scissorhands. I drew a template of the blades and printed it out on large paper. I bought silver foam core and traced the blades out onto the foam core then cut them out with a craft knife. I bought black fingerless gloves and hot-glued the foam core blades to the back of the gloves so that my fingers were still free.
Total Spent: $50

I created the Edward Scissorhands Costume quite accidentally. I had bought a pair of leather pants at the gap which were 50 % off (I paid 99 bucks). Then, about a year later, a month before Halloween, I walked into a thrift store and found a black leather woman’s jacket for 20 bucks. As soon as I saw it the idea of the costume hit me. See a collection of cool characters and some imagination really comes in handy when you decide you want to make a costume and don’t want to spend a lot of money on it, so start researching cult movies.
Anyway as soon as I realized I had the pants and the jacket it was just a matter of filling in the details. I got picture-frame wire to sew into the jacket (kind of like Michelle Phifer did when she was making the cat woman costume in “Batman”, coincidently also a Tim Burton movie (like Edward Scissorhands). Then black belts to wrap around as straps; black duck tape and finally soft wooden strips (bought at a hobby store). Cut them diagonally to make “scissor blades”, black gloves; and finally tape the “blades” to the glove fingers. You will need silver paint from Wall Mart and you’re ready to make our Edward Scissorhands costume.,
Total Spent: $130
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