Take a look at these cool homemade Shower and Bubble Bath costumes shared with us by costume enthusiasts from around the world. Along with the unusual Halloween costume ideas here, you’ll also find loads of homemade costume ideas and DIY Halloween costume inspiration for your next costume project. Enjoy!
Latest Bubble Bath Costumes
- Coolest Bathtub Halloween CostumeSplish Splash I was Taking A Bath when I suddenly came up with this idea for a costume. Materials: Balloons … Read more
- Cool Balloons Galore Family CostumesSince my balloon installation business, Bean and Boosh, soared to new heights this year, our Halloween costumes were all based … Read more
- Washing the Cat Couple CostumeI got this idea having to deal with my 2 flea ridden brats, Logan and Doomsday. Normally docile, the sound … Read more
- Cute Lady in the Shower CostumeThis shower costume was so much fun to make using old stuff we already had at home. You don’t need to … Read more
- Splish Splash it’s a Homemade Bubble Bath CostumeThis year I decided to make a bubble bath costume for Halloween. I wanted something fun and unique so thought … Read more
- Last Minute Couple Halloween Costume: Shower House GalsWe had heard on the radio that someone had been a shower curtain. So we thought we give it a … Read more
- Splish Splash Bath Costumes for ToddlersHow did I come up with this Splish Splash bath costume idea? I always want something different as a costume … Read more
- Cool DIY Costume Idea: Shower Curtain CostumeI am a mom of three girls I have an 8 year old and twin 10 year olds. This year … Read more
- Adorable Bubble Bath Family Costume for Under $20This bubble bath family costume was such an easy group outfit to make! I got some sharpies and wrote “SOAP” … Read more
- Homemade Hairy Hot-Tub Guy with Hotties CostumeThe idea hit me while I was at the dinner table. I quickly sketched it out on a yellow post it … Read more
- Sexy “Bubble Trouble” Costume Idea for a WomanThis masterpiece blew peoples minds ! Depending on how intoxicated-people guessed me to be anything from Mother Goose to Marilyn … Read more
- Coolest Homemade Realistic Bubble Bath Costume IdeaWho doesn’t love bubbles?!?! This bubble bath costume did take some time and effort but it came out great and got … Read more
Featured Unusual Halloween Costume Ideas
Costume by Shauna F., Philadelphia, PA

I thought of this unusual Halloween costume idea a few years ago but never tried it. My daughter has been winning the costume contest of our church for the past four years because of my home-made costumes. However this year a lot of people told me that their costumes would top hers so I knew I had to pull out all stops. (Smile) I came to this sight to see if there were photos of others who tried to create the bathtub look and my light bulb began to flicker. I just knew I didn’t have $50 to dedicate to the project.
Materials I used: 60 white latex balloons, shower cap, bath time bucket which doubles as the Trick or Treat basket, bucket accessories, sponge, empty bottles, soap, Munchkin inflatable baby bath, spool of heavy duty yarn/ twine (found in my utility drawer) and bottle of bubbles. The more balloons the better! Hang a few balloons over the side to create a sudsy overflow. I inflated the 60 balloons.
Cut a whole in the bottom of the inflatable rubber ducky baby bath. It inflates in two sections so cutting the bottom out did not affect the sides. I cut the whole small enough that it would be a snug fit around my daughter’s waist and she wouldn’t have to hold it the entire time. Also I was sure not to cut out the drain hole in the bottom of the tub. (This will be used later) I tied the balloons to the string (approx. 1.5-2 inches apart) so the string wouldn’t be visible.
I tied the balloons around her body being sure to fill all the gaps. There is a small hole in the bottom of the duck’s rear end. I ran twine through that hole over her shoulders and through the drain hole (like suspenders) for extra support. A little blue eye shadow glitter make up and bucket filled with bath time accessories. Slippers would work well but I was on a low budget so I just tied balloons around her ankles.
Finishing touch: Occasionally I’d blow bubbles behind her to make the costume complete. She won the contest for the fourth year for “originality.” If done properly this unusual Halloween costume will win the heart of crowds anywhere. Hope this was helpful. Good luck.
Total Spent: $21
Costume by A. Kozlowski, Harrisburg

For this unusual Halloween costume, I bought a large white planter that will be able to fit your body. If you can’t find white, buy the lightest color and spray paint white.
Drill holes and attached rope or webbing to make shoulder straps. Drill holes all around the upper part of planter. Insert blown up iridescent balloons, the knotted end should just fit in the drilled holes.
Wear a swim suit underneath and a towel around you neck. Wear slippers. I carried a scrub brush and wore a shower cap.
There is so much more you can do to make this an unusual Halloween costume. We even pull-tied a shower head to the planter by bending a garden hose attachment we had in the basement. Watch out, people will want to pop your bubbles.
Total Spent: $50
Costume by Chris B., Rochester, MN

For this unusual Halloween costume, we used about 80 white water balloons and blew them up with an air compressor. We Attached the balloons with safety pins on the inside of her sweatshirt and then took a laundry basket and turned it into a “tub” by covering with white poster board. We then attached white curly gift-wrapping ribbon to serve as suspenders. Lipstick and glitter on her cheeks topped it off.
You can add a scrub brush, shower cap, rubber boots and duckie and you are set!
This costume took an hour to blow up balloons and attach them with two people. Tip: remind your little one to go potty before putting on costume ! ;)
Total Spent: $50
Costume by A. Kozlowski,, Harrisburg

For this unusual Halloween costume, buy a large white planter that you will be able to fit your body inside. If you can’t find white, buy the lightest color and spray paint it white. That’s what I did.
Drill holes and attach rope or webbing to make shoulder straps. Also drill holes all around the upper part of planter. Insert blown up iridescent balloons (the knotted end should just fit in the drilled holes). Safety pin them to the webbing also. Wear a swim suit underneath and a towel around you neck. Wear slippers.
I carried a scrub brush and wore a shower cap. There is so much more you can do. We even pull-tied a shower head to the planter by bending a garden hose attachment we had in the basement..
Watch out people will want to pop your bubbles.
Total Spent: $50
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