Coolest DIY Transformers Family Costume

Transformers Family Costume

Introducing Kian as Optimus Prime, Riley as Starscream, and Anita as Bumblebee. Riley about the Halloween costumes: I have always loved getting dressed up for Halloween and theme parties, but my poor fine motor skills left some of the details of my costumes lacking. That all changed when I met my wife, Anita, in 2015. … Read more

Awesome Transformers Costumes That Actually Transform!

Awesome Transformers Costumes That Actually Transform!

My 10 year old son is a huge Transformers fan, and he asked me if he could be a Transformer for Halloween, BUT…”I’d really like the costume to transform, dad.” I thought that this was a good learning experience for my son, that you can do anything that you put your mind to. So, we … Read more

Coolest Ever YRC Truck DIY Transformer Costume

diy transformer costume

I work for a shipping company that has a costume context every year. I like to keep my costume inline with our business so I made a YRC Truck DIY Transformer Costume. Since YRC is one of the main LTL Carriers we partner with. This probably took 10-15 hours to make. Also, there are many … Read more

Coolest DIY Optimus Prime Transforming Costume

diy optimus prime transforming costume

This is my homemade Optimus Prime transforming costume for Halloween.  This is based on the Cab Over Semi truck from the original Generation 1 (G1) 80’s cartoon. My costume is detailed with several different items to make it unique, such as: the vanity Manitoba Licence plate, the windshield wipers, the working LED lights, the beer … Read more

Custom Cardboard Box Optimus Prime Transformer Costume

Custom Cardboard Box Optimus Prime Transformer Costume

This is a custom cardboard Optimus Prime Transformer costume. I started my search for this years costume last year by googling through costume ideas and took pieces of ones that I liked and made my own version. I started off with the helmet because I knew it would be the hardest and most important piece … Read more

Cool Optimus Prime Costume with Light-Up Matrix

Cool Optimus Prime Costume with Light-Up Matrix

I’ve been coming up with Optimus Prime costume ideas and Optimus prime suits for years! My latest idea is to have a light-up matrix in the chest. The Prime Suit is a six foot robot. It’s free-standing, transforms into a semi truck and is also a comfortable costume. Features of this Optimus Prime Costume Free-standing You … Read more

Homemade Transformers Couple Costume

It was Halloween 2007. Living in Lethbridge, AB at the time and going to school. My room mate and myself wanted to create costumes that would win us

It was Halloween 2007. Living in Lethbridge, AB at the time and going to school. My room mate and myself wanted to create costumes that would win us a weekend worth of contests. We decided the Transforming transformers would be perfect, the movies had just come out and they were very popular. I went as … Read more

Transforming Cop and Robber Transformers Costumes

Last Halloween my boyfriend and I decided to go as cops and robbers for halloween, but with a twist! Instead of normal cops and robbers, we were tran

Last Halloween my boyfriend and I decided to go as cops and robbers for Halloween, but with a twist! Instead of normal cops and robbers, we were Transformers! I went as the robber and a black four door and he went as the SWAT member with a SWAT van. We started by getting a ton … Read more

Coolest DIY Optimus Prime and Bumblebee Halloween Costume Ideas

DIY Optimus Prime and Bumblebee Halloween Costume Ideas

These DIY Optimus Prime and Bumblebee Halloween costume ideas were made creating a pattern out of paper and taping it together. Then once the measurements were worked out, the helmets and other pieces were cut out of styrofoam and attached with hot glue and duck tape. The body pieces are styrofoam wrapped in fabric. The … Read more

Coolest Homemade Transformers Costume

Coolest Homemade Transformers Costume Ideas

Here’s the story of our Transformers costume. This idea to be Transformers was my brother’s. We knew we wanted to make our Halloween costume and not use store bought ones. At first we all agreed to be PEZ (the candy). To be more specific, Star Wars PEZ. We planned on making the heads out of … Read more

Coolest Optimus Prime and Bumblebee Costume

Optimus Prime and Bumblebee Costume

I wanted to make this Optimus Prime and Bumblebee costume after seeing Youtube video of actual transforming costumes. Although these costumes do not transform a lot of attention went into detail for looks and mobility. Design to both costumes for mobility, because cardboard boxes are hard to move in, are shoulder section can move up, … Read more

Cool Transformers Costume

Transformers Costume

My nephew and neighbor’s boy wanted to be Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. We looked at this website for ideas and came up with our own Transformers costume! We began by finding cardboard boxes of all sizes. We collected star foam pieces and even plastic containers. We used silver tape that is used for dryer vents … Read more