I got the idea about 15 years ago when I saw a guy wearing something similar. I’ve wanted to do this ever since, so I decided this would be the year. I started the costume in mid-September and finished October 20, 2013. The chair is made from cardboard which I measured, cut, folded and constructed with lots of hot glue. Next was paint and accessories. For the paint I went with a flat brown to make it look as realistic as possible. The head piece is a standard work light with hard hat inners attached. The electric wires are standard conduit cable. Next I had to figure out how to carry it around. I had to attach two 1×4’s to the seat bottom for stability of the straps. Once I had the straps figured out all I had to do was make the legs look realistic. For the legs I stuffed pantyhose then wrapped them in duct tape in the shape of legs. Next I put the legs in the jumpsuit and attached the suit to the chair with more hot glue. After completion I couldn’t wait to go to the annual Halloween party at Power Plant Live in Baltimore. The party is hosted by a local radio station and the prizes are always great. When I arrived at the party I felt like a celebrity! Everyone wanted a picture with me. I must have taken 500 pictures that night. Then it was time for the contest. The host picks five people from the crowd of hundreds. I was the first one picked. Once on stage you are judged by crowd cheers. When it was time to cheer for me the crowd went crazy. I won and the prize was $1000 and a trip for four to Cancun Mexico!
Optical Illusion Electric Chair Death Sentence Costume

I’m doing this too. I’m changing some of the looks and adding effects and will post pix when complete!
Did you get yours finished?
I’m doing this too. I’m changing some of the looks and adding effects and will post pix when complete!
Did you get yours finished?
I’ll do a full write up real soon like yours. Thanks for the inspiration!
Great job, John!!! Dave, I’d love to see your finished costume!
sure did! I’ll post it up like yours soon
Great job, John!!! Dave, I’d love to see your finished costume!