Take a look at these cool homemade Popcorn costumes shared with us by costume enthusiasts from around the world. Along with the costumes here, you’ll also find loads of homemade costume ideas and DIY Halloween costume inspiration for your next costume project. Enjoy!
Latest Popcorn Costumes
- Homemade Toddler Popcorn Halloween CostumeMy then, 1 and a half year old son was just too young to appreciate Halloween and how much joy … Read more
- Awesome Homemade Popcorn CostumePopcorn! Get your popcorn here! I love food costumes and this was one of my favorites. The basic idea behind … Read more
- Socially Distanced Popcorn CostumeFor my socially distanced popcorn costume I use foam board, stripped fabric, pillow filler, acrylic paint, and popcorn. I’m a … Read more
- Super-Sweet Carnival Family Goodies DIY CostumesWe are the Dickerson family and we’re dressed as carnival food and a vendor. My daughter, her first Halloween, is … Read more
- What a Cool DIY Popcorn Costume AND Ceiling Lampshade!This Popcorn Costume project was easy and fun to create and after it’s few hours of glory, I didn’t have … Read more
- Easy Popcorn Bucket CostumeMy daughter loves eating popcorn at the movies, so I started looking for a way to make a popcorn bucket … Read more
- Family Movie Night Snacks CostumesI have very fond memories of my mom coming up with fun and creative last minute ideas for Halloween costumes … Read more
- Popcorn Diva DIY Costume for a GirlMy daughter wanted a glitter diva type costume but her love of popcorn was confusing her. She said she wanted … Read more
- Coolest Old-Fashioned Popcorn Box CostumeThis popcorn box costume was homemade by my eleven year old daughter and myself. It was inspired by the walking … Read more
- Award-Winning Beer Can and Popcorn Box Couple CostumeThis Beer Can and Popcorn Box couple costume won us first place as “beer and popcorn”. Here’s how the costumes … Read more
- Cool Popcorn Bag Costume for a GirlThis popcorn costume won her first prize at the school costume contest! It was easy…ish!! Except for the burns I … Read more
- Cool Popcorn Costume Made in 3 DaysHey ! First, you must know that I’m a french student of 17 years old, so excuse me for my … Read more
Featured Adult and Kid Costumes
Popcorn costume by Jennifer C., Mississauga, Ontario

My local Mall has a costume contest every year. I wanted to make a costume this year so I went looking for ideas for kid costumes. My son took a bucket of popcorn one day and put it on his head and I thought of this costume.
I used a box that I got from the local grocery store, cut a hole in the top for the head and arm holes on each side. I had poster paint at home and pained the box in red and white stripes. For the popcorn sign I printed the word popcorn and cut it out in an oval shape.
The top of the box I covered smashed up tissue paper on the top and added real popcorn to decorate. The hat was a popcorn bucket bought at the grocery store. I painted it red and decorated it with real popcorn. I used a white turtle neck I had already and bought red track pants which can be used after Halloween. My son won first place! This is a very inexpensive costume but it is a crowd pleaser.
Total Spent: $10
Popcorn costume by Shannon L., Columbia Heights, MN

I was surfing the Internet this year for homemade kid costumes that did not require me to sew anything and came across the kid costumes idea to make my daughter into a box of popcorn! I made it for her this year and she won 1st place in a kid costumes contest!
What you need: a box just the right size for your child to fit into, a pair of scissors, hot glue gun, glue double faced tape, 2 white sheets and 2 red sheets of poster board, red sweat suit and turtleneck, 1 baseball hat, and popcorn.
How to make:
Cut holes in side and top of box for your child’s head and arms. Cut red poster board to fit the sides of box and use double faced tape to attach it to box.
Cut out paper from around the holes. On the red poster board measure one-inch strips, cut them out, and use the double-sided tape to attach it to the box one-inch apart from each other.
Cut out one oval circle in red and a smaller oval circle in white and tape the white oval circle to the top of the red one. On the computer print up the word popcorn, print it out, and tape it to the center of the white circles (I placed one on the front and back of the box).
Next cut and tape red strips along the top and bottom of the box for a border. Hot glue the popcorn to the top of the box around the hole for your child’s head. Hot glue popcorn on the bill of the baseball hat and one piece on top of the hat. Hot glue a few pieces of popcorn to the front of the box of popcorn to make it look like it is falling out of the top of the box.
Now sit back and watch all of the compliments that you will get on this costume!
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