DIY Sexy Buzz Lightyear Costume

This DIY Sexy Buzz Lightyear costume took me an hour to make and less than $10!!

Materials (wings):


-felt (white (4), purple (2), green, red)

-glue (cement or super)

-yard or ribbon


Materials (body):

-white tank top

felt (green (2), red, purple, white, teal)



1. Using foam, I cut out 3 pieces for the wings (left, right, and the middle piece).

2. I then wrapped the wings with felt accordingly. If you look at the picture, it is easy to follow. I secured the felt with super glue.

3. I attached the wings by sewing the pieces together by hand. This step is actually very easy!

4. I then braided the yard into 2 strings to wear the wings like a backpack. I also sewed this on.



1. Sew on the green felt first. I folded the top felt inwards at the neckline. Then super glue the details. super easy!  Just follow the picture.

DIY Sexy Buzz Lightyear Costume

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

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