My friend and I had a long tough search about what we were going to be for Halloween about 2 months before the actual day. We were eating our Skittles when it hit us! We were going to be Skittles and spent the next 2 months designing our Skittles Costumes and eating as many Skittles as we could. We found red tank tops and used fabric paint to write on them exactly like a Skittles package. We bought some fabric and sewed our tu-tu’s and stapled Skittles packages to them. Then we got white socks and drew colored circles all over them and stapled a little skittles package to the top. Black flats and colored hair-pieces and we got our costume!
Coolest Skittles Costumes

Is there any chance you still have this costume? I love it and am not great at making costumes. If you are willing to part with it, please let me know. You can email me at Karen[at]ablg[dot]org.
Thank you,