Caught in the Potty Homemade Halloween Costume

Caught in the Potty Homemade Halloween Costume

My 10 year son,  Michael picked out what he wanted to be for Halloween this year! He loved it!  We started with a cardboard box, spray paint,  lots of duct tape, a back pack, paper mached head, glasses and an old t shirt. We took the box and constructed it to look like a porta … Read more

Coolest Illusion Costume: A Boy on the Toilet!

Our family visits coolest homemade costumes every year to see the amazing and creative ideas everyone comes up with. This year our 8 year old son dec

Our family visits coolest homemade costumes every year to see the amazing and creative ideas everyone comes up with. This year our 8 year old son decided he didn’t see the idea he wanted. He announced one night at dinner he wanted to be a boy on the potty. “An outhouse?” we asked. “No,” he … Read more

Coolest Outhouse Costume for a Boy

Our house had recently burned and we were in the process of redoing everything so we didn't have any extra money. This was a box from our remodeling

Our house had recently burned and we were in the process of redoing everything so we didn’t have any extra money. This was a box from our remodeling and a few building materials.  My big idea was to make our son an outhouse for Halloween so I gave my idea to my husband and we … Read more

Cool Homemade Outhouse Costume

Homemade Outhouse Costume

Man oh man. I put a lot of work into this Homemade Outhouse Costume!. I think it looks great. Everywhere we went, people were taking pictures of my son. This is how I constructed this cool Outhouse costume for my son: I got a big cardboard box from my job, and cut it up. The … Read more

Original Homemade Outhouse Costume

Homemade Outhouse Costume

I originally wanted to use a refrigerator box for this Halloween but couldn’t find one in time so made a Homemade Outhouse Costume. I used a large flattened box, cut it and used packing/duct tape to get it to stay together. My favourite tool was a utility knife. It helped make the moon holes and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Outhouse Costume

Homemade Outhouse Costume

My wife and I got the inspiration for this homemade outhouse costume from this website. While it could be borderline offensive to some people, I still felt comfortable wearing it among business colleagues and would-be customers. It will make for an easy ice-breaker later down the line, (“Hey, remember me? I’m the guy from the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Porta Potty Costume

Homemade Porta Potty Costume

To match the potty humor of my son, we decided to create the costume that fits his humor. We created a homemade porta potty costume that came with sound effects. When the door was opened to the outhouse, the loud sound of gas was passed all with a remote push of the button from my … Read more

Coolest Homemade Women’s Restroom Sign Costume Design

Homemade Women's Restroom Sign Costume Design

I decided to be the Women’s Restroom Sign last year. I started with two big white cardboard pieces that I found at Target. They were in the school supplies aisle and were double fold out display boards, like you would use for a presentation. I cut the two triangular front pieces and rectangular pieces for … Read more

Make Your Own Outhouse Costume

Make Your Own Outhouse Costume

Make Your Own Outhouse Costume cheap easy with a large cardboard box, twine brown paint, half roll of toilet paper and a large black marker. I wrote different types a graffiti and toilet humor on the outside. Cut out a moon on the door. I wore scruffy slippers and a big pair of flannel pajama … Read more

Coolest Port-A-Buzz Costume

Homemade Port-A-Buzz Costume

My husband and I decided to make a Homemade Port-A-Buzz Costume because his nickname is Buzz with all the friends we hang out with, and he was the construction guy using it. We like to do couple costumes so I had a shirt made so that I went as the maintenance person and carried a … Read more

Coolest Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume

Coolest Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume 17

This is my Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume for Halloween! It’s made to look like a honey bucket worker carrying a honey bucket w/ a guy using it on the inside. The honey bucket worker is fake w/ my real legs below and my head, upper body and arms are the guy on the inside of … Read more