Caught in the Potty Homemade Halloween Costume

Caught in the Potty Homemade Halloween Costume

My 10 year son,  Michael picked out what he wanted to be for Halloween this year! He loved it!  We started with a cardboard box, spray paint,  lots of duct tape, a back pack, paper mached head, glasses and an old t shirt. We took the box and constructed it to look like a porta … Read more

Coolest Illusion Costume: A Boy on the Toilet!

Our family visits coolest homemade costumes every year to see the amazing and creative ideas everyone comes up with. This year our 8 year old son dec

Our family visits coolest homemade costumes every year to see the amazing and creative ideas everyone comes up with. This year our 8 year old son decided he didn’t see the idea he wanted. He announced one night at dinner he wanted to be a boy on the potty. “An outhouse?” we asked. “No,” he … Read more

Coolest Outhouse Costume for a Boy

Our house had recently burned and we were in the process of redoing everything so we didn't have any extra money. This was a box from our remodeling

Our house had recently burned and we were in the process of redoing everything so we didn’t have any extra money. This was a box from our remodeling and a few building materials.  My big idea was to make our son an outhouse for Halloween so I gave my idea to my husband and we … Read more

Coolest Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume

Coolest Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume 17

This is my Honey Bucket Port-a-Potty Costume for Halloween! It’s made to look like a honey bucket worker carrying a honey bucket w/ a guy using it on the inside. The honey bucket worker is fake w/ my real legs below and my head, upper body and arms are the guy on the inside of … Read more

Coolest Toilet Paper Roll Costume

Homemade Toilet Paper Roll Costume

My 8-eight-year-old’s goal for Halloween this year was to be something “totally random”. What’s more random than a huge roll of toilet paper?!?! The costume really wasn’t that hard to make. It probably took all of 2-3 hours to put together – it will probably take you less time since you won’t have to “noodle … Read more

Coolest Homemade Toilet Costume

Homemade Toilet Costume

My son and I were trying to decide what he should be for Halloween, and the longer we thought about it we came up with the idea for him to be a Toilet Costume. So I (mom) went out and got some cardboard boxes, white duck tape and some white craft paint. And I started … Read more

Coolest Toilet Costume

Coolest Toilet Costume

This year I decided to make my 4 year old son a toilet costume for Halloween! The inspiration came to me when one afternoon, my son was using the potty in our room and I jokingly asked him if he wanted to be a potty for Halloween. After much convincing he finally agreed! So I … Read more

Coolest Porcelain Goddess Costume

Homemade Porcelain Goddess Costume

For this Homemade Porcelain Goddess Costume I made the back wall with a large piece of foam core recovered with checkered yellow and white contact paper. On this back wall I affixed the toilet paper roll off to the side and the porcelain toilet tank that I would wear over my head like a hat … Read more

Cool Toilet Costume

Homemade Toilet Costume

Halloween has always been a huge deal with my family; I have never bought a costume! I have been everything from Cruella De Ville to a dead prom queen. My parents have been everything from Frankenstein and bride of Frankenstein to Dr. Jackal, Mr. Hyde. We absolutely love Halloween at my house, we used to … Read more

Toilet Costume

I love making Halloween costumes and nothing beats the toilet costume. I love original costumes and this one won first place in a contest at work! The costume also made the front page of the local newspaper! I found a box that fitted over my shoulders and covered it in white glossy paper. I made … Read more

Outhouse Costume

Outhouse Costume

I have seen a boy in a white outhouse picture online and that was my inspiration for this costume. I got boxes from my grand-dad (washer and dryer boxes). My cousin Chad and I spent two days constructing the costume. We cut and applied the ‘wood panel’ contact paper (two rolls from Kmart for $12), … Read more

Toilet Costume

Every time my son made it down the hall to bathroom he would end up playing in the toilet, so that’s where I came up with the idea. I enjoy making Halloween costumes, so I started off by using flat side of a box to make the bowl. I shaped it to look like a … Read more