Coolest Homemade Buzz Lightyear and Emperor Zurg Costumes

Homemade Buzz Lightyear and Emperor Zurg Costumes

When the first Toy Story movie came out it struck a chord with me. The story, the characters, the graphics and the movie as a whole were incredible. Halloween has been one of my favorite holidays since childhood. I love the Fall season, the Halloween Parties, the dressing up as characters and of course the … Read more

Coolest Buzz Lightyear DIY Halloween Costume

Homemade Buzz Lightyear DIY Halloween Costume

Every year I make my own Halloween costume, and usually put a ton of effort into it. I’ve been to this website before, but never entered into your contest. This year, I made a Homemade Buzz Lightyear DIY Halloween Costume, and I think it turned out pretty well, hopefully your readers do too!

Coolest Buzz Lightyear DIY Costume

Homemade Buzz Lightyear Costume

This is my Homemade Buzz Lightyear Costume. Every year in the Umass Minuteman Marching band we have an event called Bandoween where we have band rehearsal in costume. A couple years ago I made a Mechwarrior Madcat costume (can be seen on youtube) and was the Brawny paper towel man before that. This year I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Buzz Lightyear Halloween Costume

Homemade Buzz Lightyear Halloween Costume

Here is an adult Homemade Buzz Lightyear Halloween Costume. The base of the upper body is a trash can which I cut with a razorblade. On top of the trash can I sculpted the armor with cardboard and duct tape. When I had the desired shape I covered everything in masking tape so I could … Read more

Coolest Buzz Lightyear Homemade Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Buzz Lightyear Halloween Costume Idea

My two year old son wanted to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween and I wanted to dress to match him. I looked at Jessie costumes, but I didn’t like them. I’ve never been a fan of store bought costumes either. So then I thought, why not be Buzz too? For this Homemade Buzz Lightyear Halloween … Read more

Coolest Homemade Buzz Lightyear Toddler Costume

Homemade Buzz Lightyear Toddler Costume

My three year old son LOVES Buzz Lightyear and so it was a no-brainer to him that he wanted a Homemade Buzz Lightyear Toddler Costume for Halloween. So after looking through all the homemade Buzz costumes I could find (there aren’t as many as you’d think) I decided to use try one using cardboard boxes. … Read more