Babywearing Pirate and Parrot Costume

Babywearing Pirate and Parrot Costume

I had decided I wanted to do a pirate costume with my 10 month old as a parrot, but that costume idea is done a lot so I wanted something a little bit different. I like to wrap her on my back anyway, so I decided to make it look like the parrot was on … Read more

Perky Parrot Nation, Unique Parrots in Extravagant Costumes

Perky Parrot Nation, Unique Parrots in Extravagant Costumes

Most people downright stared at us when we waddled into a Halloween bash in downtown Detroit with floppy bird hats, feathered eyelashes, a multi- colored wrap around tail, a full red jumpsuit with feathers pouring out of our arms, legs, and tails. We met some other animal friends in the club (monkeys, penguins, etc) and … Read more

Cool Ruby Throated Hummingbird Costume

Cool Ruby Throated Hummingbird Costume

Willow Grace was inspired to be a ruby throated hummingbird from our summer family trip to Kentucky where hundreds of hummingbirds visit our Uncle’s lake house every day. Her school requires the costumes be a literary character and “Little Green” is a beautiful book about a little boy paiting the path a hummingbird is making … Read more

Feathery Snowy Owl Costume for my 8-Year Old Daughter

Feathery Snowy Owl Costume for my 8-Year Old Daughter

It all started when my animal crazy, nature loving daughter Molly saw a really fabulous, but extremely expensive owl costume. She insisted that she have this costume and would not settle for any other version I found; however, I was not spending $120 on a once worn Halloween costume. I offered to make her a … Read more

Parrot and Pirate Couple Costume

Parrot and Pirate Couple Costume

For Halloween this year I was a parrot!!! I have trouble getting my husband to dress up with me and I always like to do a family theme with my costumes. So finally he agreed on being a pirate (I guess that was simple/manly enough for him) and so by default I was a parrot! … Read more

Elegant Peacock Costume

Elegant Peacock Costume

I started with a simple Idea. This idea being a peacock costume. I had been wanting to be a peacock for Halloween for a number of years, but I was not a fan of the pre-made costumes for this particular idea. A couple years went by before I actually thought “well hey, why don’t I … Read more

Pretty Homemade Peacock Costume for a Girl

Pretty Homemade Peacock Costume for a Girl

I got a request from a loyal customer to make a peacock costume for a girl. She sent me a couple pictures of the peacock costume she had in mind, but I like for my work to look more realistic with a little bit of fantasy so I went with the realistic human peacock costume. It … Read more

Stunning Girls Peacock Costume

Stunning Girls Peacock Costume

I wanted something amazing for my daughter for her school’s fancy dress ball.  After much internet sourcing, we decided on a peacock costume.  I purchased 100 “seconds” peacock feathers off ebay, the tutu was handmade by a friend.  I was lucky enough to have had a green feather mask in my cupboard and we painted … Read more

Homemade Woman’s Peacock Costume

Homemade Woman's Peacock Costume

I had always wanted to be a peacock, but would either not find one I liked, or it would be way too expensive. So I decided to put one together once I found an old Charlotte russe turquoise corset that I paid $25 for and decided to up-cycle it by just hot gluing a few … Read more

Homemade Whimsical Owl Costume for a Woman

Homemade Whimiscal Owl Costume for a Woman

I wanted to have an owl costume that wasn’t all bulky tootsie roll commercial owl but a pretty thing. So I started with a dress from my closet that I love the fit of and pretty much used it as a pattern on some dollar material I bought. Once I had the bodes sewn up, … Read more

Dazzling Pretty Peacock Halloween Costume

Dazzling Pretty Peacock Halloween Costume

FAIRY TAIL STORY: It’s been a few years since I’ve dressed up for Halloween, but my motto is GO BIG OR GO HOME! This year I wanted to make something awesome to be put in the running for my office costume contest. I saw an image of a peacock outfit and knew I had to … Read more

Wedding Dress Turned to Colorful Peacock Costume

Wedding Dress Turned to Colorful Peacock Costume

The inspiration for my costume came from my love of vibrant colors and beautiful detail. What better costume to capture than a peacock? I had this crazy idea to convert my wedding dress into a costume and that’s where it all began. My goal, when creating this costume, was to have something that could hold … Read more