My son was 2 years old and a HUGE airplane fan. I (his dad) was never into Halloween as a kid so coming up with homemade Halloween costume ideas was new to me. It was his first costume that wasn’t store bought and he was only two so we knew his expectations wouldn’t be high if we messed it up :)
My wife searched for homemade Halloween costume ideas online and found an idea for an airplane made from a box at Better Homes & Gardens. I found a good sized box and attached all the pieces with tape (bad idea). Then my wife genius that she is got out her glue gun. The hot glue worked much better than tape but occasionally neither one would stick well to any ‘waxy’ coated cardboard. I definitely recommend painting the cardboard AFTER getting it all together.
Once the plain old box was assembled and painted my neighbor and I got together and thought… “hey we could put lights on it!” and “…I’ve got an old VCR motor!” So we extended the propeller out away from the box on an inverted butter tub. The motor is wired directly to a 9V with a button on top of the box where he could reach it. 6 – 3mm LEDs were ‘sewn’ into the suspenders. Just push the LED wires through the material and solder on the backside and run the wires down the backside. They were connected to the switch on the ‘dashboard’.
16 other miscellaneous LEDs were wired all around the plane and the wings and connected to another battery.
It was my first experience wiring LEDs to batteries so that was a steep learning curve but doable.
Have Fun!!
Total Spent: $15
Airplane costume by Mindy B., Monroe, NC

Last year my boys wanted to be very creative about their homemade Halloween costume ideas. My youngest son Tanner wanted to be a Piper Cub, like the planes that his daddy flies remotely. It took me about a day and half of making when you count his daddy doing the spray painting for us.
His plane was a big hit and the folks were pretty intrigued in the special feature it had. I used mostly cardboard paint, electrical tape and foil. I put a clear plastic in the window for an added touch.
The special feature involved me making the propeller able to be turned from the inside. I simply placed a hole and hot glued a lot of cardboard together to create a handle. We didn’t have a flashy scarf so I dug into my large stash of felt and glued several pieces together to create one. To top it all off we found a great jacket that had the army look and I took a play pair of goggles and put black tape around the colored parts and covered the elastic with felt.

My little pilot looked like the awesome Piper Cub.
Total Spent: $0
Airplane costume by Tanya D., Ontario, Canada

We had some homemade Halloween costume ideas but this costume we made two days before Halloween.
All told it took about 8hrs, most of that spent engineering the cuts in the foam and holding the cut pieces together in order to fabric glue them. It wasn’t overly difficult just took a lot of time. I will definitely use soft foam to create future costumes as it’s easy to cut simple to glue just takes a lot of paint to get a good base coat.

Total Spent: $40
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