For the last few years my boss has been selecting a theme for our office Halloween party. She picked the theme 1920’s, UGH!!! Everyone was talking about “flappers” and dresses and long necklaces– and I am not one to go along with the crowd. So, of course I get on the internet and look for pictures to inspire me, and I didn’t find much. But since I am a nurse, the nurse pictures caught my eye. They wore long boring dresses with white aprons, black stockings and of course a nurse’s cap. I got my mom’s old wool nurse’s cape from the 1950’s (it looked the same as in the 1920’s pictures I saw). I used an old blue sheet and made a skirt. The apron is an old damask table cloth that had seen better days. Using the same table cloth fabric, I strarched it several times, found a pattern, and made a cap (it also has a red cross on it that you can’t see in this picture). I loved the accuracy of my costume, and the fact that I made it, so I was proud to walk in amongst all the flappers. The party was great fun, and I won 2nd place (my boss thought I was “out of theme”).
Homemade 1920’s Nurse Costume for Office Halloween Party

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