For this costume I used a bowl for the eye, I attached it to fake purple fur, which I stuffed with a pillow. To the eye I added eyelashes, and a iris. I made fangs out of foam, I then attached a fake hand, and some gel blood. The horn was foam, a big foam football hat, wrapped in black duct tape. I added some wings, and viola, I became a one eyed, one horned, flying, purple people eater.
Coolest People Eater Costume

HI, your costume is great. I am the Event Chair for Relay For Life of Berkeley County (WV). I would like to email you privately about your costume. We are looking for something very similar as a cancer eating mascot. I’m not certain how this post works but my email is
Thanks so much.
I need this costume for a school concert. Is there anyway I can rent it?
As the person before has said, I am also looking for a Purple eater costume for my Relay For Life in Bremerton, Washington.. Our theme is “The Power of Purple”; and I have even had stickers made with this creature likeness on them and they say “CANCER EATER” these will be handed out the kids and to adults who sing the song using the modified works I have typed up and will hand out. the song will be played at our Relay at random throughout the 24 hrs of relay. Please contact ASAP for our relay is on the 27-28 June, and If I could rent the costume it would be great!!!! But I do not want to take away from the other persons ability to utilize this costume If you should decide to rent out you creation.
Please contact me.
I would like to be able to rent your costume for our school’s POPs concert (March 9, 2010)
We need four of your people eater costumes for a charity safari in July, would you please contact me to discuss it?
I have been a Maine music educator for 35 years. We have a concert on February 17. Can we rent your wonderful flying purple people eater costume?
Mrs. Gannaway
Need this costume for showchoir competition.Can you make us one for a fee? If not, would you rent yours out? Please advise.
I too would be interested in renting or buying for a school musical production. Please let me know if this is something you would do for us.