Coolest Child Train Costume

I made this train costume out of stuff I had around the house. I started out with a box for the body and painted it. The face of the train I used a p

I made this child train costume out of stuff I had around the house. I started out with a box for the body and painted it. The face of the train I used a piece of Styrofoam that came out of a fan I had purchased, shaped it round and painted it black. I painted … Read more

Coolest Thomas the Tank Engine Costume

This is the Thomas the Tank Engine costume I made for my son this past Halloween. The chassis is a Little Tykes wagon, with the pull handle at the ba

This is the Thomas the Tank Engine costume I made for my son this past Halloween. The chassis is a Little Tykes wagon, with the pull handle at the back. The body is entirely cardboard, affixed with hot glue. I coated the whole thing in Plasti-Dip (hoping to ruggedize it somewhat), then spray painted it … Read more

Coolest Thomas the Train and Mr. Conductor Costume

My son has been a huge Thomas the Train fan for over 2 years now. I knew last year that the only costume I would get him to agree to would be Thomas. After spending hours searching for Halloween costumes online and in stores, I realized, like many others, that the only one available to … Read more

One of theCoolest Child Costumes – Railroad Crossing Costume

Coolest Homemade Adult and Child Costumes

Here’s one of the coolest child costumes. My 5-year-old boy loves everything trains, and asked if he could be a railroad crossing sign for Halloween. I was up to the challenge! I made the headpiece out of white 1/4″ foam board, and letters from an office supply store. The “crossing” was then glued to a … Read more

Coolest Damsel In Distress Costume

Damsel In Distress Costume

For this Damsel In Distress Costume I used a large piece of foam core and made an opening just large enough for my head to fit through near the top on one end of it. I painted the foam core to look like rocks/pebbles. Using other cut pieces of foam core painted brown, I made … Read more

Coolest Train Crossing Gate Costume

Homemade Train Crossing Gate Costume

My son was obsessed with crossing gates. I came up with this idea for a Train Crossing Gate Costume and he won first place at our park district Halloween party. I took heavy foam board and made the two cross pieces. I used black stickers for the letters and used two sided tape to tape … Read more

Coolest Homemade Choo Choo Train Child Costume

Homemade Choo Choo Train Child Costume

My two year old wanted to be a Choo Choo train, and I wanted the costume to be something that involved sewing, which I am in the process of learning. So instead of creating the typical cardboard train costume, my mother-in-law and I brainstormed and made our own pattern out of news-paper. We came up … Read more

Coolest Homemade Amtrak Train Costume

Homemade Amtrak Train Costume

I made this homemade Amtrak train costume for my 5 year old who is a train fanatic! We have done the store bought Thomas for the last 2 years and this year he wanted to be more like the trains he loves to watch, and so picked Amtrak. I used a wooden toy engine as … Read more