Coolest Legoman Costume

Homemade Legoman Costume

The adventures of Legoman originally started 3-4 years ago, when I decided to take my mother to one of Australia’s largest Bush Doofs. Taking over 2 weeks, the Homemade Legoman Costume was made out of Styrofoam and PVC piping. The reaction was so grand over the 4 day event, that he not only sparked a … Read more

Cool Lego Man Halloween Costume

Homemade Lego Man Halloween Costume

This is the Homemade Lego Man Halloween Costume I made. I sat and scaled out the measurements from an actual minifig. The whole thing is constructed from cardboard, foam, duct tape, and camping mats. You look through the mouth. The leopard print is duct tape. I looked through a boatload of paint schemes and picked … Read more

Coolest Lego Minifigure Halloween Costume

Lego Man and Friends

I was scourging the internet for some costume ideas and I came upon a couple of Lego minifigure costumes. I thought that they looked pretty good, but many of them didn’t look right. Some of the heads did not look right and a few were without legs. Now when I do something, I tend to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lego Man Costume

Homemade Lego Man Costume

My 7 year old son LOVES Legos and wanted a Homemade Lego Man Costume for Halloween. However, I have to warn moms out there that this is not a practical trick or treating costume!! It’s hard to see in at night and impossible to keep up with your trick or treat buddies and be prepared … Read more