Coolest Homemade Pee Wee Herman Costume Idea

Coolest Homemade Pee Wee Herman Costumes and Photo Gallery

Here’s the story behind my Pee Wee Herman costume. Every year I try to out-do myself and this year I think I really did it! I decided to be Pee Wee Herman. I knew I had a lot of work to do but it could be done! My mom was always really into Halloween and … Read more

Cool Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume

Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume

After a simple but effective Kermit costume the year before, I decided to stick with the Muppet theme and try out one of my favorite characters this year – Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume! Right away I knew that the head would be the hardest and most time-consuming part. I found a head pattern online … Read more

Coolest Muppets Group Costumes

Homemade Muppets Group Costumes

Our family is crazy for the Muppets so I tried my hand at crafting a Homemade Muppets Group Costumes of three of our favorites. Kermit was by far the easiest. I searched the web for an appropriately green hoodie and leggings (my son is young enough not to be horrified at wearing girls’ leggings.), purchased … Read more

Coolest Kermit the Frog Costume

Kermit the Frog Costume

I came up with the idea about a day before the party I was going to and I went to the store spent about 12 dollars total on the Kermit the Frog costume. 6 dollars for long johns (pants) and I bought a ping pong ball for the eyes – 50 cents. I got some … Read more