Coolest Facebook DIY Costume

Homemade Facebook Costume

This is my own costume representing … FACEBOOK! In order to give you a clear picture of my approach on how I made my Homemade Facebook Costume, I will explain the steps of making. Step 1: The costume is made of a white, able-to-stretch cloth, covering all body parts except the neck and head. Step … Read more

You Will Definitely Like this FaceBook Page Costume

Until this year, I’ve always purchased our costumes, since my sewing skills are pretty much limited to sewing on buttons or closing up a simple

Until this year, I’ve always purchased our costumes, since my sewing skills are pretty much limited to sewing on buttons or closing up a simple seam.  But my 11 year old daughter, Meital, told me she was way too old for princess costumes, and she wanted something original. Meital originally thought about making something from … Read more

Coolest Facebook Page Homemade Costume

Coolest Facebook Page Costume

I made this Facebook Page costume myself for a famous San Francisco Annual Race called “Bay to Breakers”. Every comment on it is related to me being in the race, including my status update and Facebook “check in”. Even the adds are funny and related to the party. It was very popular, I got many … Read more

Coolest Facebook Page Costume

Facebook Page Costume

I am a FaceBook queen, all my friends tell me so! For Halloween I dressed up as Facebook! I got cute lil mini blue dress, got some iron on transfer paper & ironed on various emblems: FB , You Like This?, Poke Me, & FaceBook. Then I bought a huge posterboard & made an exact … Read more

Coolest Facebook Halloween Costume

Homemade Facebook Halloween Costume

This Homemade Facebook Halloween Costume is really easy….all you need is scissors, markers, scotch tape, glue, poster boards and a flat screen TV box. Magazine optional. Cover entire TV box after facebook profile pic hole is cut out. Cover entire box with poster board. Glue and tape it down. You can use magazine for advertisments … Read more

Coolest Facebook Costume Idea

Coolest Facebook Costume 9

Well having a teenager… the “dress up” part will have to be minimal. My daughter came up with the idea of “Facebook”… but her idea was to just walk around with a book and when asked “What are you?” she would put the book up to her face and reply, “Facebook!”. Good idea but not … Read more

Coolest Facebook Homemade Costume

Homemade Facebook Costume

My homemade Facebook Costume is my Facebook page. I think it is very creative. Though if you want it to be perfect is takes a lot of time, but it is worth it.