Cool Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas Group Halloween Costume

Every year for the past 4 years our group dresses up for trick r treating with our kiddos. Over the last 3 years we have been an 80\'s gr

Every year for the past 4 years our group dresses up for trick r treating with our kiddos. Over the last 3 years we have been an 80’s group, the Globe Trotters and Refs and Care Bears.  This year we picked Willy Wonka & Oompa Loompas group Halloween costume.  We prefer to make our own costumes rather … Read more

Coolest Homemade Child’s Oompa Loompa Costume

My son had a rough october last year.  His sister was due to arrive in a matter of weeks, he was going through a horrible experience with some u

My son had a rough October last year. His sister was due to arrive in a matter of weeks, he was going through a horrible experience with some unkind daycare workers and he was sick all the time. There were many life changes coming his way with the arrival of his baby sister and he … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Couple Costume

We went to Goodwill to get pants and shirts, gloves, colored hairspray and face paint from Walmart, suspenders I had to get online (couldn't find th

For our Oompa Loompa Couple costume we went to Goodwill to get pants and shirts, gloves, colored hairspray and face paint from Walmart, suspenders I had to get online (couldn’t find them anywhere in town).  The socks, we just bought brown socks and brown shirts and painted on the stripes. My husband even downloaded the … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompa

This Oompa Loompa Halloween costume is completely homemade. I am not sure the cost of it all, I gathered things as I went. The Oompa Loompa shirt is just a brown turtle neck with puffy paint stripes. The shoes I got from Target and safety pinned a puff ball with puffy painted stripes on to … Read more

Coolest Homemade No Sew Oompa Loompa Costumes

Homemade No Sew Oompa Loompa Costumes

My husband and I were invited to a Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Theme Party. The hosts sent out brilliant invitations which were chocolate bars which had been decorated with printed “Wonka Bar” wrappers and each contained a golden ticket under the wrapper. We decided to attend as “Homemade No Sew Oompa Loompa Costumes”. Our … Read more

Coolest Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

I was able to convince my two year old son that he had to be a Willy Wonka Oompa Loompa for Halloween this year. I showed him the moves and he loved the idea, on most days. For this homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween costume, I purchased a large pair of girls Capri white jeans two … Read more

Coolest Ooompa Loompa DIY Halloween Costume

Homemade Ooompa Loompa DIY Halloween Costume

Last year everyone at my office came up with amazing homemade costumes. Kate (from Kate plus 8), Richard Simmons, and even a sumo wrestler, so this year I knew I had to bring it. I decided to make an Ooompa Loompa DIY Halloween Costume. I went to the local second hand store and purchased a … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Costume for a Toddler

Oompa Loompa Costume

I thought this Oompa Loompa costume would be such a cute idea being that he is so short and cute! I had looked on several sites looking for a pattern on this costume. I decided to wing it and use several different tips from all the sites and make it by looking at pictures. The … Read more

Coolest Homemade Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompa Couple Costume

Homemade Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompa Couple Costume

My boyfriend and I were looking up costumes online and wanted to stay away from the typical “hot guy” and “hot girl” costumes. So, I ran across an Oompa Loompa and it was meant to be. We both decided that he’d be Willy Wonka and I’d be the Oompa Loompa. And that worked really well … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Homemade Twin Costumes

Oompa Loompa Homemade Twin Costumes

I made these Oompa Loompa Homemade Twin Costumes for World Book Day for my 8 year old twins. I stitched the dungarees myself, which is pretty impressive for me as I’m no seamstress. Fabric was only £4. Bought the polo necks on sale in Zara for only £2.99, painted stripes using fabric paint on old … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Adult Homemade Costume

Coolest Oompa Loompa Adult Homemade Costume

My Oompa Loompa Adult Homemade Costume /scene/candy was somewhat “pricey” but I loved doing it for my church’s “Trunk or treat”. Materials I used: Green wig (Walmart) Orange paint (ordered offline, our Walmart didn’t sell it) White cloth gloves Brown long sleeved tshirt (already had) Plain white tee (used to cover up the wording on … Read more