Coolest Adult Dora the Explorer Costume

Homemade Adult Dora the Explorer Costume

I could not decide what I was going to go as for Halloween and I was looking all over the internet for an interesting/funny idea. One afternoon my sister and I were sitting in her living room just throwing out different ideas. Then sitting there on the couch I looked at my 3 year old … Read more

Coolest Dora the Explorer Costume

Homemade Dora the Explorer Costume

I was Dora the Explorer for Halloween this year and it was super easy, and fairly inexpensive. I think it was a great costume for me because it was cute and fun, but not overdone and I wasn’t another “sexy (insert occupation here)” at the party. The best part is that most of the pieces … Read more

Dora Costume

I work with kids from birth to three so I needed a costume that they would recognize. I figured a Dora costume would be pretty easy! I found a pink shirt, orange shorts and white shoes in my closet. (In New Mexico I was fine in shorts!) The hardest item to find was yellow socks. … Read more

Dora Costume

We live in Tennessee and around Halloween it gets pretty cold so the Dora costume at the store wouldn’t do. My 3 year old little girl LOVES Dora and it was the only thing she wanted to be. I picked up a pink sweatshirt and orange sweatpants at Wal-Mart used the white shoes she already … Read more

Dora Costume

Megan is all about Dora and Diego. So last Halloween I made her a Dora costume (all the store bought costumes looked really creepy and cheap; and forget about a 2 1/2 year old wearing a black wig!!). The costume is made out of sweatpants and a sweatshirt from Walmart. (I happened to find orange … Read more

Dora Costume

After searching for a Halloween costume for my 2-year-old son, he would say NO to every single one and kept saying, “Map” when asked what he wanted to be. So I decided I would try to create my own one of a kind Dora and Map costumes. I bought a piece of rolled foam the … Read more

Coolest Dora the Explorer Homemade Costume

Dora the Explorer Costume

I made this Dora the Explorer costume for my husband to wear at our daughter Paige’s 2nd Birthday. He just loves dressing up and entertaining the kids. It has kind of become a tradition now, the first question I get asked when I send the invites out is ” What is Tommy going to be … Read more