Unique Girl’s Catra Costume

Unique Girl's Catra Costume

I grew up with He-Man and She-Ra, and I was delighted when after watching some old episodes together, my daughter got really into She-Ra as well. But when she told me that she wanted to be Catra for Halloween, I was a little skeptical. My first thought was, nobody her age is going to know … Read more

Coolest Homemade Catra Costume

omemade Catra Halloween Costume

My birthday party theme was ‘Comic Book & Cartoon Characters’ this year. I chose this theme mainly because I’ve always wanted to dress as Catra from the She-Ra cartoon series. You may not remember Catra, but she took command as Force Captain for the Evil Horde on Etheria when Adora (aka She-Ra Princess of Power) … Read more