Here’s the story behind our homemade Darth Vader costume. Every Halloween my son dresses up like the character from his birthday party theme. This year he had a Star Wars party and it was centered on Darth Vader. I made a life size costume of Darth Vader and stuffed it with plastic bags and stood him in the corner of the dining room. Everyone thought it was someone in a costume. They couldn’t believe how great he looked. So I had to make a miniature Darth Vader for my son to wear for Halloween.
I got some vinyl fabric for free. My son has a Darth Vader voice changing helmet that was a gift. I purchased some Darth Vader gloves. For the pants and shirt I cut out a pattern for a small boy’s pajamas. I machine quilted each piece with 1″ seams and then sewed the pants and shirt. I cut out black and gray pieces for the top armor in the shape of shoulders with a hole for the head. I made a piece of frontal armor out of the vinyl and put two black boxes on either side. I glued used watch batteries on the boxes for buttons.
For the shin armor I took a pair of blue shin guards and spray painted them black. I made a long tunic using the shirt pattern with out sleeves and open in the front. I then made a triangle shaped cape. He also had a red light saber that was also a gift that he used with the costume. He was the bomb! There were several Star wars Halloween costumes at his school but everyone noticed my son. They were all yelling “Hey Darth Vader!” At our church trunk or treat everyone was in awe at his costume. He looked awesome!
Total Spent: $20

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