For my homemade Samara costume (from The Ring), I used a night gown purchased at value Village, a wig from Wal-Mart. I also applied liquid latex on my face with make up. The well is handmade from a box.
Coolest Homemade Samara Costume

For my homemade Samara costume (from The Ring), I used a night gown purchased at value Village, a wig from Wal-Mart. I also applied liquid latex on my face with make up. The well is handmade from a box.
THAT’S AWESOME. I am thinking of being Samara this year. She’s creepy but cool!
That is crazily amazing! You look almost as freaky as the person in the movie!
I love the way you had an idea for Halloween that looks so cool!
Hey. I’m gonna be Samara this year. The sad thing is, all I need to do to my hair is straighten it, and it will look nearly exactly like hers.
That’s so cool. I just like how she is freaky!
The blue needs to be more on your hands…
I’m going to be Samara this year, its so cool !
OMG dat is sooooooooo kool! Im definitely gonna dress up as Samara Morgan and scare my next door neighbours dis Halloween! ahaha Jus watched The Ring yesterday!! IT WAS SOOOOO GOOOOD! Didn’t even get scared!! LOL
gosh we have been trying to get this samara gown thing but wow it is awesomely amazing
Not bad!
I’m gunna be Samara this year I have long enough hair just gunna dye it black and starlighting it
put a white night gown on and put white make up on my arms and face. also some eye liner in case some one pulls my hair from my face.
I like your costume.
Cool!! I wanted to be her for Halloween, so I was looking at ideas. This one is good for a light white gown :D
i am going to be Samara on Halloween too!i don’t need to buy a wig,my hear looks exactly like Samara’s(but it’s not creepy):O nice costume
im ordering the ring right now, and the well too…
Ur Samara costume is awesome. I’m gonna be it this year.
I’m a dude, and I’m sooooo making this costume…That well’s pretty cool too.
She is from the grudge! not the ring!
Dude, she is for the ring.
Her name is samara Morgan and that is how she looks and she is from the ring. Not the grudge
I wanna dress up as Annabelle or Samara Morgan for Halloween and Halloween is next Friday.