Home » Britney Spears Costumes » Coolest Homemade Britney Spears Costume Idea

Coolest Homemade Britney Spears Costume Idea

So I was stumped for an idea on a costume of 09. I was about 7 months pregnant and couldn’t think of anything so I was looking online and there was pregnant women dressed as beer belly’s, as farmers holding a pumpkin( their belly’s), but I thought to myself what would I be more comfy in and wont be to cold in, so I saw a picture of Britney Spears when she was pregnant and she was a mess, ha ha.

I thought this Britney Spears Costume Idea would be a good laugh, EVERYONE knows who Britney Spears is so I picked a messed up style she has worn while being prego, so all I got was a wig, a baby blue tank an ugly skirt and boots I already had and a hat I already had and bingo, lol, my costume. It was a hit, everyone loved it.

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

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