Original Homemade Dinosaur Costume

Homemade Dinosaur Costume

I began this Dinosaur Costume with a dinosaur mask that I got from the Children’s Museum. Using black foam core I attached a long spiky, bumpy tail. The wonderful thing about foam core is that you can create bumps with heat, can paint it, and can glue onto it. Around the shoulders are more spikes … Read more

Cool Homemade Velociraptor Costume

Homemade Velociraptor Costume

I spent 2 nights sewing this Velociraptor Costume. I knew I wanted to be a dinosaur for a while. My roommate Sean and I even practiced dino poses in our spare time. (I think it all started with an intense love for Barney and Jurassic Park.) I found a pattern for a awesome kangaroo costume … Read more

Coolest Homemade T-Rex Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade T-Rex Halloween Costume Idea

Here is my Homemade T-Rex Halloween Costume Idea I made for Halloween 2010. I was inspired to make it after watching a “walk with the dinosaurs” exhibit presentation on YouTube and thought to myself, “I could make that.” He was a big hit on Halloween. My nieces and nephews loved walking next to a giant … Read more

Coolest Woman’s T-Rex Dinosaur Costume

Homemade Woman's T-Rex Dinosaur Costume

RAWR! This year I decided to be a dinosaur for Halloween so I could spend the entire night RAWRING! I didn’t buy a single thing to make this Woman’s T-Rex Dinosaur Costume but instead had it lying around the house. Step one: to make the shape of the mouth I used a plastic container, the … Read more

Coolest Dinosaur Costume

Coolest Dinosaur Costume 19

This home sewn dinosaur costume was made for my 6 year old son. It consists of a jumpsuit as a body and a head constructed of cloth and cardboard fitted for the child’s head to be looking out through an open mouth. The body is a simple one piece jumpsuit style easily adapted from any … Read more