Cute Mad Hatter DIY Costume

Homemade Mad Hatter Costume

I wore this Homemade Mad Hatter Costume for my daughter’s Sweet Sixteen Party, themed a Mad Sweet Sixteen! The girls dressed in blue dresses like Alice, the dads wore Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum shirts I made by taping off white t-shirts and spraying with black spray paint and then red suspenders. I bought the … Read more

Cool Homemade Tim Burton’s Mad Hatter Costume

Homemade Tim Burton's Mad Hatter Costume

I started creating my Tim Burton’s mad hatter costume in October 2009 to take on my trip to Disney World. I spent over 40 hours on the hat alone. I used 3 soldering irons to burn the hole pattern in the hat. I then used gold, brown & copper paints as accents and made patterns … Read more

Coolest Tim Burton Style Mad Hatter Costume

Homemade  Mad Hatter Costume

This Mad Hatter Costume was made from striped trousers, waistcoat and blazer which were all bought at the Thrift store. White shirt worn underneath. Plain top hat was bought and spare fabric, peacock feather and the 10/6 sign were added with a glue gun. Crochet doilies were bought, cut in half and sewn into the … Read more

Cool Homemade Mad Hatter Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Mad Hatter Halloween Costume Idea

This year I had a Homemade Mad Hatter Halloween Costume Idea. The hat is made from wire, poster board, and foam core wrapped in fabric. The coat was dyed, the pants trimmed. The lace was sewn onto the sleeves. The shoes bought at a thrift store. The ribbons and handkerchiefs and bow tie were cut … Read more

Coolest Mad as a Hatter Costume

Homemade Mad Hatter Costume

This year my boyfriend decided he wanted to make his Halloween costume. He decided to dress up in a Homemade Mad Hatter Costume which seems like something fun and original to be. First we started by looking through his closet to see which items we could use for the pants we just cut a pair … Read more