Coolest Homemade Mr. Peanut and Bag of Sweets Costumes

Homemade Mr. Peanut and Bag of Sweets Costumes

Mr. Peanut was made out of burlap pieces that had been starched and put on a form. The pieces were then glued together and armholes cut. The bottom of the costume was held together with Velcro so that my son could slide it on and off over his black shirt and black pants. I made … Read more

Coolest Homemade Planter’s Mr. Peanut Costume

Homemade Planter's Mr. Peanut Costume

For my homemade Planter’s Mr. Peanut costume I sewed felt letters to a top hat, sponge-painted and sewed a yellow dress, constructed a monocle out of a magnifying glass and added some finishing touches.

Coolest Homemade Mr. Peanut Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Mr. Peanut Halloween Costume Idea

We always look for creative costumes that will amaze people. This year I went with Mr. Peanut, or I guess in my case, Mrs. Peanut. I started with basic black clothes underneath (long sleeve t-shirt and Cuddle Duds for bottoms). The dress is actually an old swimsuit cover up that I sprayed painted yellow, then … Read more