Coolest Homemade Evolution of Britney Spears Group Costume

Homemade Evolution of Britney Spears Group Costume

My friends and I decided that Britney Spears could not be captured in just one costume, so we decided to make 8 (only 7 shown in the picture) costumes in her honor. From left-right we have “Baby One More Time”, “Toxic”, “Like a Virgin”, “I’m a Slave For You”, “Oops!…I Did it Again”, “Me Against … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pregnant Britney Spears Halloween Costume

Homemade Pregnant Britney Spears Halloween Costume

This Homemade Pregnant Britney Spears Halloween Costume was my absolute favorite costume and I put it together about fifteen minutes before I went trick or treating. I took a huge white tee shirt and wrote “I have the golden ticket” with a sharpie marker and stuffed it with a pillow. I found a trashy blond … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ringmaster Britney Spears Costume

Homemade Ringmaster Britney Spears Costume

I decided what I wanted to be very last minute this Halloween! A little less then 2 weeks before the day actually! I had originally bought a lil’ Red Riding hood costume, but changed my mind around October 20…..oops! I have been a fan of Britney Spears for a long time, and was lucky enough … Read more

Coolest Homemade Britney Spears Costume

Homemade Britney Spears Costume

I love to dress as Britney Spears throughout the years. I have done school girl Brit, pink wig and K-Fed Brit and this year I chose the circus Britney! Obviously I am more modest and heavier than Britney, but I make it work. This whole costume only cost $13 at the thrift store. Usually my … Read more

Coolest Homemade Britney Spears Costume Idea

Homemade Britney Spears Costume

So I was stumped for an idea on a costume of 09. I was about 7 months pregnant and couldn’t think of anything so I was looking online and there was pregnant women dressed as beer belly’s, as farmers holding a pumpkin( their belly’s), but I thought to myself what would I be more comfy … Read more

Stages of Britney Spears Costume

Homemade Stages of Britney Spears Costume

Here are the Stages of Britney Spears Costume. For each costume we tried to get as much detail as we could. I was “Crazy Bald Britney”, for this I used a bald cap applied with spirit gum, a single strand of pearls, gray zip up hoodie, white cotton shorts, white tennis shoes and of course … Read more

Coolest Homemade Britney Spears Halloween Costume

Homemade Britney Spears Halloween Costume

I began piecing together this homemade Britney Spears Halloween costume last year. I first began the long tedious process of gathering the appropriate vintage jewelry needed for this costume. I used 3 gold-tone vintage belts and added different matching vintage brooches and earrings and hot glued them to the belts. I then machine sewed the … Read more