Coolest Homemade Magic School Bus Group Halloween Costume

Homemade Magic School Bus Group Halloween Costume

A group of eight young women decided to transform themselves into a Homemade Magic School Bus Group Halloween Costume for Halloween. We acquired eight boxes and a ton of yellow paint. We painted the outside of all the boxes yellow, with black stripes and wrote “Magic School Bus” across the side of all four. The … Read more

The Magic School Bus Homemade Couple Costume

The Magic School Bus Homemade Couple Costume

It took couple of days to make this costume but it was totally worse it! First of all, we glued carton boxes to make the bus, than we bought a yellow cloth to cover the cartons. We made two flashlights using plastic plates and yellow cellophane, then, we glued the flashlights to the bus. We printed … Read more

Coolest Homemade Magic School Bus Costume – Go Science!

Coolest Homemade Magic School Bus Costume - Go Science!

Science is not typically any kid’s favorite subject..except for me! Growing up I would religiously watch “The Magic School Bus” on PBS. If for some horrible reason you aren’t aware what this glorious show is AND you haven’t Google’d it yet…I’ll give you a quick synopsis. Miss Frizzle, the eccentric Science teacher, would teach her … Read more

Coolest Magic School Bus and Ms. Frizzle Couple Costume

Coolest Magic School Bus and Ms. Frizzle Couple Costume

Here’s our Magic School Bus and Ms. Frizzle couple costume. I am Ms. Frizzle and my cousin Elizabeth is the magic school bus. We absolutely love the TV show The Magic School Bus, we even own all the DVDs and we wanted to make our costumes instead of buy them in a store. We just … Read more

My Little Lamb Chop Dog in Costume

My Little Lamb Chop Dog in Costume

Ever since my dog was a young puppy she liked to be held on my hip like a toddler and everyone always commented on her coat. Growing up, Lamb Chop was one of my favorite shows and while toy shopping for her birthday I found a toy of Lamb Chop and noticed how similar she … Read more

Adult Ms. Frizzle Costume from the Magic School Bus

Adult Ms. Frizzle Costume from the Magic School Bus

I struggled for weeks trying to decide what to be for Halloween. Then my roommate and I came up with a fabulous idea. Since I was going to be driving a bus on Halloween (for my job as a bus driver), how perfect would it be to be dressed as Ms. Frizzle from the Magic … Read more

Cool Homemade Ms. Frizzle Costume

Coolest Homemade Ms. Frizzle Costume

My children grew up watching The Magic School Bus and we all loved Ms. Frizzle. Last year, my daughter, 16, told me that I would make a perfect Ms. Frizzle, so I decided to whip up the costume. I searched for what I thought was the perfect fabric, then I searched for the perfect pattern. … Read more

Awesome and Easy Carmen Sandiego Costume

Awesome and Easy Carmen Sandiego Costume

I had wanted to be Carmen Sandiego for a while, because I had the long red pea coat already. Once you have that, the only other thing you really need to worry about is the hat. I had a hard time finding a fedora big enough that it looked like hers. I finally found one … Read more

Sexy Last-Minute Carmen Sandiego Costume

Sexy Last-Minute Carmen Sandiego Costume

This Carmen Sandiego costume was an easy costume to make, and was items I could re-use after Halloween so it was a total win-win! Everything was right at Charlotte Russ: Red Pea coat, Yellow tank top- folder up so the top part would hang down, Halloween underwear that said “Boo” on the back, and the red … Read more

Homemade Ms. Frizzle Costume of The Magic School Bus

Homemade Ms. Frizzle Costume of The Magic School Bus

I loved The Magic School Bus as a kid!  This year I was racking my brain for a costume, and I decided I would be Ms. Frizzle for Halloween.  I couldn’t find any material for my dress that was just right, so I decided to sew a simple blue, button up, collared dress and add … Read more

Original Homemade Costume: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Original Homemade Costume: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?: Who didn’t love searching the world for Carmen Sandiego growing up?  The mystery, the intrigue, the geography lessons.  Those were the years when

Who didn’t love searching the world for Carmen Sandiego growing up?  The mystery, the intrigue, the geography lessons.  Those were the years when Oregon Trail and Carmen Sandiego were the go-to computer games—the years of my childhood.  Now that I’m grown up and have long hair for the first time in years, I realized I … Read more