A Spooky Classic: DIY Herman and Lily Munster Costumes

Classic Herman and Lily Munster

The idea for our costumes was sparked by a patient of mine, given the obvious height difference between my husband and me. After some research, we got to work! Herman’s Transformation For Herman’s attire, we hit the thrift stores and scored a classic black t-shirt, suit jacket, and pants. To add a touch of Munster-esque … Read more

Coolese Homemade Lily Munster Costume

Homemade Lily Munster Costume

I always loved the Munster’s as a kid and thought it would be great for Halloween! After researching as many pictures a Homemade Lily Munster Costume I could find (and she actually wore two different costumes during the show), I decided to go shopping for the material – gray material and sheer gray for the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Grandpa Munster Costume

Homemade Grandpa Munster Costume

The Munster’s was a TV series that I watched on the weekends when I was a kid. So, now that I have my husband LOVING Halloween, I thought he would make it perfect in a homemade Grandpa Munster costume. I was so excited I couldn’t wait to get started! The costume was a bit of … Read more

Coolest Munsters Group Costume

Homemade Munsters Group Costume

I’m crazy about Halloween and have a huge themed party every year. This year we decided on the Homemade Munsters Group Costume : Herman, Lilli, Eddy and Grandpa. For Herman’s flat head, I used plaster of paris and an old Easter basket and molded them to my husband’s head. Modeling putty and green dye took … Read more