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Coolest Homemade Saul from Pineapple Express Costume

My costume is James Franco’s character, Saul Silver, from the movie Pineapple Express. This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and James Franco’s character was my favorite, so I really wanted to dress up as him.

In the movie Saul basically looks as if he has just rolled out of bed: messy hair, pajama pants, T-shirt, tan slipper-looking shoes, etc. So I wore my brother’s pajama pants, my tan shoes, and a white long-sleeve shirt underneath a grey T-shirt.

In the movie, Saul’s T-shirt was dark grey with a picture of a shark eating a cat. So I wore a grey shirt and printed out the same exact picture of the shark eating a cat and taped it to my shirt. I made sure my hair looked gross and messy as Saul’s did.

I wore a big silver watch and even made the infamous “cross joint” that they smoked in the movie. I’m sticking my thumb through the pants because, in the movie, Saul tries to hitchhike with this thumb through his pants. That is one of my favorite parts.

Even though Halloween is infamous for girls dressing sluttishly in easily recognizable costumes, I wanted to do something different and funny.

 Saul from Pineapple Express Costume

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

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