Home » Food/Drink Costumes » Cold Drink Costumes » Alcohol Bottle Costumes » Coolest Homemade Burnett’s Bottles Group Costume

Coolest Homemade Burnett’s Bottles Group Costume

We all wanted to come up with a great idea for Halloween but couldn’t figure out what to do, most importantly we wanted to be original. After several options, we looked around our apartments and we thought to do a Burnett’s Bottles Group Costume, being broke college students, its all we drink on the weekends. Each of us would be a different flavor and we would make dresses to look like bottles.

We went to the fabric store and each got a yard or so of white felt for the bottle and got our color felt for the lettering. We printed out the closest font we could find of the Burnetts lettering and traced Burnetts. We also cut out our fruit letters and made our fruit with felt as well. we bought cardboard circular boxes and covered those with felt and stapled a headband to it for our caps. Making the dress was the hardest part however. Being that we all have different shaped bodies and felt is not exactly the most fitting material, we needed to fit it to each other.We bought zippers which we sewed to the side.

The costumes came out great and never received more compliments! It took a some time, but we would do it again in a heartbeat!

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

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