Home » Character Costumes » Movie & Book Character Costumes » Beetlejuice Costumes » Coolest Homemade Beetlejuice and Miss Argentina Couple Halloween Costume

Coolest Homemade Beetlejuice and Miss Argentina Couple Halloween Costume

First thing’s first on this Homemade Beetlejuice and Miss Argentina Couple Halloween Costume, body paint. We used Ben Nye cream color turquoise for hers and black and white for his. 5 bucks each, enough to cover complete body and feel light weight for a night of fun!

The cape was the most time consuming. 2 yards of fabric similar to Miss Argentina’s in the movie did the job, plus more. I bent two hangers together to form the frame, sewed a space for the wire to thread through and bunched the rest and glued/sewed to the neck piece of the frame with the rest hanging as a cape. Extra fabric came in handy to apply a jagged piece glued around the neckline to hide the visible glued area. With a sold-by-yard thick piece of white ribbon, I made the sash and hot glued the letters to it (the iron ons were too big or too small).

This wigs were cheap-os from Goodwill (still packaged) that were teased and styled and sprayed to make the color more similar to both characters.

The dress and Beetlejuice’s clothes and shoes came directly from our closets! Only some mall purchases (false eyelashes, plaid shirt, blood for wrists, and bobby pins to style and secure the wig) were made to finish up the look.

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

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