Coolest DIY Breakfast Family Costume With Our Dog!

Coolest DIY Breakfast Family Costume With Our Dog!

Each year our family themes it up for Halloween. My daughter chose this year’s theme by wanting to go as Mrs. Butterworth and surprisingly, my youngest was watching a cartoon where they were obsessed with waffle and he begged to be a waffle. Tada! We have a theme! Mina (Mrs. Butterworth) – I bought a … Read more

Homemade Hot Breakfast Costume Idea

I decided to be breakfast because women always feel the need to be something "sexy" for Halloween. I wanted young girls to see that not-so-sexy thi

I decided to be Hot Breakfast because women always feel the need to be something “sexy” for Halloween. I wanted young girls to see that not-so-sexy things can be “Hot”. I was just tired of seeing “sexy cats” and “sexy officers”. I figured no one would be a frying pan for Halloween. I started by making … Read more

Coolest Bacon and Eggs Couple Costume

We decided we wanted to go as a pair this year to an annual costume contest party. Bacon and eggs was the perfect idea! We bought felt from hobby lob

We decided we wanted to go as a pair this year to an annual costume contest party. Bacon and eggs couple costume was the perfect idea! We bought felt from Hobby Lobby for about $10 per costume.  We then cut the felt to the right size and shape for each one.  The bacon was pretty … Read more

Coolest Bacon Costume for a 9-Year Old

My daughter 9 year old daughter loves bacon so much she asked if she could be BACON for Halloween.  At first I thought she was joking but after

My  9 year old daughter loves bacon so much she asked if she could be BACON for Halloween.  At first I thought she was joking, but after a lot of persistence I decided to make her a bacon costume. Figuring it out I had a vision in my head of how I wanted her to … Read more

Coolest Eggs and Bacon Costume

Homemade Eggs and Bacon Costume

This Homemade Eggs and Bacon Costume is the easiest costume EVER. I cut out a large piece of wavy edged cardboard I painted white to create the “egg white,” making an opening for my head in the middle. Got two pieces of Styrofoam that I shaped and painted to look like Bacon and affixed them … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bacon and Eggs with Toast Costume

Homemade Bacon and Eggs with Toast Costume

I made this easy Homemade Bacon and Eggs with Toast Costume. I used quilting batting for the egg white, and yellow felt for the yolk. I stuffed the yolk with more batting and hand-sewed the yolk onto the white. I sewed the shoulders and sides together and my son wore it over a white turtleneck. … Read more

Coolest Bacon and Egg Couple Costume

Coolest Bacon and Egg Couple Costume

The egg was made out of poster-board, cut into an egg shape. Then we spray painted a plastic bowl yellow to be the yolk. We hot glued it on to the poster board off center. To attach it to the body we had 2 straps crossing in the back attached with velcro to the poster-board. … Read more

Coolest Egg Costume

Egg Costume

For this egg costume, I got a big piece of cardboard and cut an egg shape out of it. I then glued white felt (from dollar store) onto the front and back. I put a raised circle in the middle for the yolk and glued yellow felt on it. On the back of my costume … Read more

Coolest Baby Bump Breakfast Costume

Homemade Baby Bump Breakfast Costume

My daughters love of her unborn brother had me thinking quick when I realized I had to dress all of us for a Halloween party. I managed to do it with just 4$. I found white pants and a white shirt in my closet, and bought a yellow tank top for 2$ at the Dollar … Read more