Creative Chef Boyardee Halloween Costume

This is my chef boyardee costume, it was pretty easy to make. I already had the chefs and just printed the logo and stapled it to the hat. I bought 4

This is my Chef Boyardee costume, it was pretty easy to make. I already had the chefs and just printed the logo and stapled it to the hat. I bought 4 large piece of red poster board and used staples and red tape to make the can and printed a large logo and taped it … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pillsbury Doughboy Halloween Costume

Homemade Pillsbury Doughboy Halloween Costume

This is my Homemade Pillsbury Doughboy Halloween Costume. I always try to do creative fun costumes and everyone seemed to like it. It wasn’t too hard to make and was really soft and comfortable to wear at Halloween parties. To make it I bought a chef’s hat for $13 and cut out a picture of … Read more