Coolest Group Alien Costume

For Halloween me and my friends decided we wanted to do something completely different.. i came up with the idea of an alien, i wasnt quite sure how

For Halloween me and my friends decided we wanted to do something completely different. I came up with the idea of a group alien costume. I wasn’t quite sure how we were going to pull it off. Things we used to make the costume: Black maxi dress Light Green latex paint Darker green water based body … Read more

Coolest Child Alien Costume

My two year old daughter decided she wanted to be an alien for halloween, after watching E.T and other alien movies, so thought we\'d try to make o

My two year old daughter decided she wanted to be an alien for Halloween, after watching E.T and other alien movies, so thought we’d try to make our own child alien costume rather than buy one. I bought blue and black water based body paint and white glow in the dark face paint for face … Read more